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Getting Pregnant in Your 20s : Facts You Need to Know

02-Apr-2024 01:02:27 PM

<p>It is also true that it is easier to conceive at this age than at a later age. Women in their 20s mostly succeed in getting pregnant within just two months of trying, if they don&rsquo;t suffer from any health complications.</p> <p>The chance of miscarriage in the 20s is low as compared to pregnancy at an older age. Further, babies from older mothers may have a higher likelihood of having chromosomal abnormalities. It is for this same reason that babies born to mothers in their twenties tend to be healthier and have a lower risk of birth defects.</p> <p>Again, the results may vary from person to person. There are cases of women in their 20s having suffered from preeclampsia which leads to high blood pressure in women. In some cases, babies can be born with low birth weight due to the nutritional defects or poor eating habits of the mother.</p> <p>All women wishing to conceive at this age should see a doctor before getting pregnant. They must lead a healthy life, eat well, and follow the gynaecologist&rsquo;s advice throughout the three trimesters.</p> <h2>Advantages of Getting Pregnant in Your 20&rsquo;s</h2> <p>From the biological point of view, the 20s are the ideal age to get pregnant, as this is the age when a woman&rsquo;s fertility is at its peak. Their bodies are healthier, the uterus is younger, the eggs are healthier, and the body systems are working at optimum capacity. This is also the time when the number of eggs produced is at its height. The more the eggs released during ovulation, the better are the chances of getting pregnant. Hence the 20s is the &ldquo;golden&nbsp;pregnancy age.&rdquo;</p> <p>As one gets older, the chances of chromosomal defects in eggs increase, and this is the reason there is probability of genetic anomalies in babies born to older mothers.</p> <p>Miscarriages usually do not occur in young mothers. The risk is higher in older women because older women are likely to have more health issues compared to a younger woman.</p> <p>The other advantage is that early motherhood helps one to be on their toes all the time and enables the mother to keep pace with the baby&rsquo;s routine. The body is healthier and can cope with the stress and responsibilities of motherhood more effectively than an older woman.</p> <p>Of course, the earlier you become a mother, the better the chances of becoming a grandmom earlier as well. There is no better gift to grandkids than healthy grandparents who play with them and help them deal with life&rsquo;s challenges.</p> <h2>Drawbacks of Getting Pregnant in Your 20&rsquo;s</h2> <p>Well, as there are advantages of being a mother in your 20s, there are certain cons as well. For starters, the 20s are the best years for one to discover their potential and to work at it, in terms of professional as well as personal life. These are the years when you can chalk out a great career path. Though there are women who balance both well, there are many jobs that are quite challenging and would require a woman to prioritize her goals. This means that a pregnancy could force them to take a break from their career by which time they may be replaced by someone else.</p> <p>There are also financial aspects when a baby comes along. Unless one is born into money, the twenties is when someone has just started earning. Having a baby can be expensive and would add enormous financial strain for some couples.</p> <p>There are also relationship issues that may crop up when a couple shoulders the responsibilities of a child when they themselves are so young. Also, not many women have the emotional maturity to be a mother at such a young age.</p> <p>Though physical disadvantages are fewer if you conceive in your 20s, each pregnancy is different. Even in their twenties, the mother must be in perfect health to bear a healthy child.</p> <h2>Chances of Getting Pregnant In 20s</h2> <p>In the 20s, the uterus is strong and the eggs produced are plentiful. Thus, women in their 20s have a better chance of getting pregnant as soon as they start trying. Having sex a couple of days before ovulation gives them a 33 percent chance of getting pregnant. That means, at each cycle, depending on the correct method of trying, the chances of getting pregnant are higher than in any other age. The&nbsp;chances of conceiving by age&nbsp;means that the chances of delivering a healthy baby are high and not just the act of getting pregnant alone.</p> <h2>What to Do If You Want To Get Pregnant Now?</h2> <p>Those who wish to get pregnant at this stage should first prepare their body and life for pregnancy. Start by leading a healthy and active life. Go for regular exercising, reduce extra fat, and try to bring your weight to the right Body Mass Index or BMI. Include more vegetables and fruits in your diet and increase the intake of lean meat. Avoid alcohol and smoking. Consume more water. Try to be cheerful, happy, and avoid all matters of stress.</p> <p>Try to conceive naturally for at least three cycles. You can use ovulation predictor kits or other methods such as tracking cervical mucus and basal body temperature to find out the exact day you are ovulating. Have sex on these days to maximise your chances of getting pregnant.</p> <p>Even after trying, if you are unable to get pregnant, then you should consult a gynaecologist. They will study your cycle, and find out if there are any problems that prevent conception. Follow their advice and you will soon see results.</p> <h2>How to Avoid Getting Pregnant in 20s?</h2> <p>If you do not wish to be pregnant in your 20s, there are many ways of birth control you can try. Remember, there are also natural ways to prevent pregnancy, but it is best to take a doctor&rsquo;s advice on this. You can also freeze your eggs when you are in your 20s so that you can use them later when you are ready for motherhood. This is a good option for women who want to wait till their 30s to get pregnant and attain more emotional, financial and psychological maturity. You can take the course of assisted reproductive technology and conceive as and when you wish to.</p> <p>Biologically, the twenties are the ideal time for a woman to get pregnant as the health of a woman is at its optimum at this age. However, this too has its risks and complications. Every individual is different, and being young only reduces the complications but doesn&rsquo;t eliminate them.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion</strong></p> <p>One of the hardest choices women make is perhaps deciding when they want to get pregnant. Do they want to have a potentially safer pregnancy by conceiving in their twenties, or wait for stability at the risk of increasing the complications involved? Ultimately, the choice rests with the individual. Whatever decision you take, it is best to go for a final say on the matter after due consultation with a doctor.</p>

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