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Category: pre-Food & Nutrition Articles

25-Mar-2024 04:51:03 AM
pre-Food & Nutrition
28-Mar-2024 11:26:26 AM
10 Healthy and Easy Summer Drinks for Kids

p Kids should stay hydrated during the summer when the sun is blazing in the sky and temperature is soaring up nbsp Fluid intake is essential for both outdoor and indoor activities During hot... Read more

28-Mar-2024 11:57:57 AM
Ramadan Recipes for Kids – Best Iftar & Suhoor Dishes

ol li h Almond and Date Milkshake h li ol p Almond and date milkshake is a great way to start the day This nbsp em em suhoor em em nbsp recipe for kids... Read more

28-Mar-2024 11:58:55 AM
Is Your Child Fasting This Ramadan? 5 Nutritional Tips to Follow + Child-Friendly Recipes Inside!

ol li strong Take It Slow strong li ol p It is actually recommended that kids indulge in gradual fasting so that their bodies can get used to going long hours without food once... Read more

28-Mar-2024 12:00:10 PM
Probiotics for Kids – Why is It Important?

h Why Do Children Need Probiotics h p A child rsquo s gastrointestinal system is alive with many bacteria Some are ldquo good rdquo bacteria and some are ldquo bad rdquo bacteria Various medical... Read more

28-Mar-2024 12:01:17 PM
18 Best Ways To Develop Healthy Eating Habits In Kids

p ldquo Trying to feed your kid is no herculean task rdquo ndash said no mother ever Most children are fussy eaters and getting them to eat healthy food is not easy We are... Read more

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Remember, torn clothes should not be left at home. Dispose of them out. Buying new clothes like towels.

wearing clothes, bedsheets are like inviting good luck to the home.

Arrange doormats before every door and please change the doormats once in 6/8 months or maximum within 1 year. For More Daily

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