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7 Outdoor Activities for Your Kids’ Summer Evenings

25-Mar-2024 01:30:22 PM

<p>Summer holidays are a great time for children &ndash; they can learn new things, get new hobbies, and relax before the next school year begins. As summers are getting hotter, it&rsquo;s getting much more difficult to go out during the day and enjoy it to the fullest, not to mention the fear of summer diseases that are all over the place. This is probably causing you to give your little one more TV or smartphone time &ndash; that&rsquo;s never a good idea! But every problem has a solution, right?</p> <p>Advertisements</p> <h2>7 Perfect Summer Evening Activities You Can Do With Your Child</h2> <p>Summer evenings are very underrated. The sunlight is less harsh, the weather is cooler, and there&rsquo;s always a hint of a breeze! We have some fun activities for you and your kid that will utilise her summer evenings, so she won&rsquo;t spend too much time in front of the TV. These activities will be a great way for you to bond too!</p> <h3>1. Bike rides</h3> <p>Evening bike rides around your neighbourhood is a great summer activity that you and your kid can enjoy. Not only is biking fun, but it also helps keep your child&rsquo;s physical activity in check. You can encourage your child to bike around with her friends in the evening, and don&rsquo;t worry about the roughhousing &ndash; it&rsquo;s part of the fun!</p> <p><img alt="bike rides" src="https://ae-parenting.s3.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com/2019/05/04150955/1365786842-H-1024x700.jpg" style="height:700px; width:1024px" /></p> <h3>2. Stargazing and camping</h3> <p>Kids get excited at the idea of staying up all night. To make her holiday both fun and informative, your family could spend a night stargazing! You can either take a small weekend trip away from the city, or, if you live on a higher floor in your building, you can spend one night out in your balcony or terrace where you can see the stars together. Make a small tent, pack the space with snacks and water, and teach her about stars, planets, and the different constellations you can see. If your child is adventurous and enjoys a good thrill, you can spend time narrating ghost stories too!</p> <p>It&rsquo;s important to remember that when you are outdoors bugs, especially mosquitoes, can pose a threat to your child&rsquo;s health during summers. A great way to prevent mosquito bites (especially at night) is to use a mosquito repellent like&nbsp;<a href="https://www.firstcry.ae/aringel/aringel-mosquito-repellent-cream-50-gm/1350709/product-detail?sterm=&amp;spos=1&amp;sstock=0" target="_blank">Aringel</a>&nbsp;mosquito repellent cream which is light on the skin, herbal, and has a pleasant smell. This way, your child can stay outdoors without the risk of falling sick.</p> <p><img alt="stargazing and camping" src="https://ae-parenting.s3.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com/2019/05/04150952/469135487-H-1024x700.jpg" style="height:700px; width:1024px" /></p> <h3>3. Make a DIY bird feeder</h3> <p>The heat is harsh on animals and humans alike. While we humans have a space to retreat to when the sun is bright, we can&rsquo;t say the same about animals. Birds often go from place to place, sometimes in search of water. One way you can teach your child compassion is by helping her make a DIY bird feeder that you can hang by your windowsill, and fill with water or food. It&rsquo;s a great way for you and your child to bond and spend time together, creating something. Feel free to decorate it your own way!</p> <p><img alt="make a DIY bird feeder" src="https://ae-parenting.s3.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com/2019/05/04150949/796825333-H-1024x700.jpg" style="height:700px; width:1024px" /></p> <h3>4. Picnic at the park</h3> <p>A great time to head to a park is early evening. Pack some tasty and healthy snacks, some card games, a hat and&nbsp;<a href="https://www.firstcry.ae/lotions,-oils-and-powders/3/14?scat=14@~175@@@@@@@@@1@0@20@@@@@@@@@@&amp;ref=interlink" target="_blank">sunscreen</a>, and you&rsquo;re done! Parks will not only allow your child to run around and play freely, but it will also give you some time to yourself where you won&rsquo;t have to continuously watch her. Take a book along while your child has a good time. Public restrooms, which your child might use, can be a cesspool of germs and bacteria that she might come in contact with. To ensure your child can use one without stress, carry a toilet seat sanitizer with you &ndash;&nbsp;<a href="https://www.firstcry.ae/Aringel/Aringel-Sit-Safe-Toilet-Seat-Sanitizer-50-ml/800825/product-detail?q=as_aringel" target="_blank">Aringel&rsquo;s</a>&nbsp;toilet seat sanitizer is is a quick solution to rid public toilet seats of germs before your child uses them.. You can also use it on door handles, toilet seats, or anywhere you might find health hazards.</p> <p><img alt="picnic at the park" src="https://ae-parenting.s3.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com/2019/05/04150947/194503958-H-1024x700.jpg" style="height:700px; width:1024px" /></p> <h3>5. Go swimming</h3> <p>Swimming is a good evening summer activity for kids as it is fun for them, and it gives them the physical activity that will keep them healthy. Evening swimming is comparatively better than morning swimming as the sun is slowly going down, so there&rsquo;s a lesser chance of issues like strokes and sunburns. It&rsquo;s a great way to cool off from the summer heat too!</p> <p><img alt="go swimming" src="https://ae-parenting.s3.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com/2019/05/04151005/1123925870-H-1024x700.jpg" style="height:700px; width:1024px" /></p> <h3>6. Play badminton or catch</h3> <p>Divide your family into 2 teams and play a round of badminton! Games like these are fun-filled family activities that help parents and kids bond. Similarly, you can play a game of catch, or race around in a playground or park near you. This way, both you and your kid can get some much-needed exercise without feeling fatigued due to the sunlight. To keep your child protected from mosquito bites, you can use&nbsp;<a href="https://www.firstcry.ae/Aringel/Aringel-First-Generation-Mosquito-Repellent-Patch-12-Patches/668441/product-detail?q=as_aringel%20mos" target="_blank">Aringel&rsquo;s</a>&nbsp;mosquito repellent patches that are effective, safe, and extremely convenient. Just put two on each sides of her (and your) clothes, and you will repel pesky mosquitoes all evening!</p> <p><img alt="play badminton or catch" src="https://ae-parenting.s3.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com/2019/05/04151003/518744020-H-1024x700.jpg" style="height:700px; width:1024px" /></p> <h3>7. Play hide and seek</h3> <p>There&rsquo;s a certain rush you get when you&rsquo;re playing hide and seek when the sun is setting! It gets harder for the denner to find the others, and that&rsquo;s where it gets interesting. Allow your child some more playtime and let her play hide and seek with her friends. Make sure, however, that you&rsquo;re aware of her whereabouts and she doesn&rsquo;t leave your building premises.</p> <p><img alt="play hide and seek" src="https://ae-parenting.s3.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com/2019/05/04151000/509464555-H-1024x700.jpg" style="height:700px; width:1024px" /></p> <p>These were 7 of our best outdoor summer playtime ideas for kids that are perfect for a summer evening. These activities will surely keep your child occupied away from the TV and phone, and also give her some much-needed exercise. Accompany her for some parent-child bonding and tons of fun!</p>

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