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Epsom Salt Bath for Babies and Kids

25-Mar-2024 02:06:45 PM

<p>All parents worry about their child&rsquo;s well-being and take every possible step to ensure that she grows in a healthy manner &ndash; from providing the right kind of nutrition to inculcating good habits and building their hobbies and interests, every parent wants the best for their children.</p> <p>Advertisements</p> <p>Bathing your child is also an important step in keeping her healthy, and one way you can ensure her health is by giving her an Epsom salt bath.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h2>What Is Epsom Salt?</h2> <p>Epsom salt or magnesium sulfate is a mineral that has been used for medicinal purposes for centuries around the world. Epsom salt is rich in numerous detoxifying components including magnesium which are known to have medicinal benefits. Over 300 enzymes rely on manganese for their proper functioning, making Epsom salt beneficial for everyone.</p> <h2>Is It Safe to Bathe a Child in Epsom Salt?</h2> <p>Epsom salt is an extremely healthy mineral when used in the correct manner. It is recommended that you use this mineral after consulting with your doctor. However, please note that low-grade Epsom salt is extremely dangerous. Make sure to buy only high-grade, pure Epsom salt meant for baths and is recognised by a reputed quality monitoring institution.</p> <h2>Benefits of Epsom Salt Baths for Babies and Children</h2> <p>Here are some key benefits of Epsom salt baths:</p> <h3>1. Reduces Inflammation</h3> <p>The magnesium in Epsom salt is well known for its potent anti-inflammatory properties.</p> <h3>2. Improves Blood Circulation</h3> <p>Most enzymes that help in circulation rely on magnesium. Epsom salt contains magnesium in abundance, which makes it a great mineral for improving blood circulation.</p> <h3>3. Builds Healthy Joints</h3> <p>The sulfates in Epsom salt help build and strengthen joints.</p> <h3>4. Exfoliates Skin</h3> <p>The sulfate in Epsom salt removes dead skin, repairs damaged skin cells and ensures the growth of new, healthy skin cells.</p> <h3>5. Helps Oxygen Flow</h3> <p>Magnesium has potent oxygenation properties that are great for your baby&rsquo;s respiratory tract.</p> <h3>6. Improves Sunscreen Effectiveness</h3> <p>When paired with a suitable sunscreen on your child&rsquo;s skin, Epsom salt adds a layer of protection against the dangerous UV rays.</p> <p><img alt="Benefits of Epsom Salt Baths for Babies and Children" src="https://cdn.cdnparenting.com/articles/2018/08/572817376-H-1024x700.jpg" style="height:700px; width:1024px" /></p> <h3>7. Repairs Muscles</h3> <p>Epsom salt baths are commonly used to help athletes recover from muscle fatigue and damage. The same effect can do wonders for your growing baby.</p> <h3>8. Regulates Digestion</h3> <p>A warm Epsom salt bath is known to help one&rsquo;s body function in a calming manner. This may work well for your baby or your child as well.</p> <p>Epsom salt baths are also beneficial for babies and kids with the following problems:</p> <h3>9. Constipation</h3> <p>Doctors commonly recommend that you draw an Epsom salt bath for baby constipation as Epsom salt is a natural external laxative.</p> <h3>10. Autism</h3> <p>Magnesium is great for nerve impulse regeneration and management. When you combine that with sulfates, it improves serotonin levels, corrects calcium deficiencies and helps form healthy cells and chromosomes. This is why doctors think an Epsom salt bath for autism can be a useful management tool.</p> <h3>11. Eczema</h3> <p>Medical professionals consider baths using&nbsp;Epsom salt for an eczema baby&nbsp;because magnesium helps reduce inflammation, repairs skin cells and also relieves itchiness.</p> <h3>12. Psoriasis</h3> <p>The hydrating and exfoliating properties of sulfate combined with the skin-repairing properties of magnesium make Epsom salt baths perfect for any child suffering from psoriasis.</p> <h2>How to Give Your Child an Epsom Salt Bath</h2> <p>Before giving your child an Epsom salt bath, it is crucial to know how to prepare the bath and the technique used to give the bath.</p> <h3>1. What You Need</h3> <p>High-grade Epsom salt, a bucket of warm water, and a towel for drying.</p> <h3>2. Procedure</h3> <p>It is important to understand how much Epsom salt in the bath for kids is ideal. The maximum you should use is a couple of cups per bath. Add the salt to slightly warm water and let it dissolve and then add some more water in the bath &ndash; approximately enough to reach the baby&rsquo;s waist. Let your child soak in the bath for 20 minutes. Ensure you don&rsquo;t wipe her dry; instead, pat her dry. Repeat this process three times a week.</p> <h2>Potential Risks of Using Epsom Salt in Your Child&rsquo;s Bath</h2> <p>Overusing Epsom salt can cause risks like skin irritation, diarrhoea, and rashes. To know more, please consult your doctor.</p> <h2>Things to Consider While Using Epsom Salt During a Bath</h2> <p>Here are a few things to consider when giving an Epsom salt bath to your toddler:</p> <ul> <li>Ensure the salt is fully dissolved before letting your child in the bath.</li> <li>Don&rsquo;t use more than 2 cups of Epsom salt per bath.</li> <li>Give your child an Epsom salt bath only 2-3 times a week.</li> <li>Consult with your doctor to ensure your child is not allergic to this type of bath.</li> <li>Never leave your child in the bath unattended.</li> <li>Ensure that you test the temperature of the bath before letting your child in.</li> </ul> <p>Please consult your doctor if your child has any kind of reaction to her first Epsom salt bath. It is also recommended you seek their guidance before you start giving your child this type of bath and that you ease your child into a routine of Epsom salt baths slowly. Start with once a week and slowly build it to three times a week. It&rsquo;s best not to go beyond 3 times a week. Also, remember that Epsom salt should never be ingested and it can be extremely dangerous if the child consumes it.</p>

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