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5 Creative Ideas To Help Children Celebrate Teachers’ Day This Entire Week

25-Mar-2024 11:42:54 AM

<p>You have probably had a phase in your life when you were so in awe of your teachers that you wanted to be one when you grew up. But guess what, you ARE a teacher! You are the one to shape your child&rsquo;s future and he turns to you for advice. Just like you, your little one&rsquo;s school also plays a major role in bringing them up as well-rounded children. This Teacher&rsquo;s Day on 28th Februaru, celebrate how important your child&rsquo;s teacher is, not only for your child but for you as well.</p> <p>Teachers&rsquo; Day is celebrated every year on 28th September in over 11 African and Asian nations including UAE, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Bahrain, Oman, Yemen, Jordan, Tunisia, Moroccoa and Algeria. Through this week, help your child recognise the role his teachers play in his life.</p> <h2>Ideas to Help your Child Celebrate His Teacher</h2> <h3>1. Make a Handmade Teachers&rsquo; Day Card/Gift Together</h3> <p>Help your child make a little handmade card for his teacher. Just a simple card with the words &ldquo;Happy Teachers&rsquo; Day&rdquo; can make any teacher happy. You can also ask your little one to give his teachers flowers. If everything else is too last minute, simply remind your child to verbally wish his teacher a Happy Teachers&rsquo; Day. Everybody loves to be appreciated for what they do! Make the entire week a &lsquo;Teacher Appreciation Week&rsquo; wherein your little one honours his teachers with his/her creative gifts and cards!</p> <h3>2. Help Your Child Write a Thoughtful Letter</h3> <p>Writing a heartfelt letter will never go out of fashion. Help your chil write down what he thinks about his teacher on a paper and ask him to give it to his teacher on Teachers&rsquo; Day. An honest, appreciative letter is a treasure his teacher will forever beam at! You could also write from a parent&rsquo;s perspective, perhaps about how much a teacher has helped your child in algebra.<br /> Tip: You could help your child write a series of letters to all his favourite teachers, and make this entire week dedicated to his/her gurus!</p> <p>You will need to change or delete the video below this section to reflect Arab identity</p> <h3>3. Help the Teacher Build an Inspiring Classroom:</h3> <p>This tip to celebrate Teachers&rsquo; Day can help nurture your child&rsquo;s leadership skills apart from pleasing his teacher very much! As a part of the Teachers&rsquo; Day activities for kids this week, do this:</p> <ul> <li>Tell your child he should take up charge for keeping his classroom clean and inspiring.</li> <li>Help your child and his group of friends clean the classroom first. They can pick up bits of paper or pencil shavings to give the classroom a cleaner look.</li> <li>Next, help him put up projects and DIYs on his classroom walls. Here are some to get you started: Ellie the Elephant DIY &amp; DIY Minion Hand Puppet. Teachers deserve to be celebrated in style and a crafty classroom makes teaching more fun!</li> </ul> <h3>4. Volunteer in Classroom</h3> <p>If you run out of all creative ideas for Teachers&rsquo; Day celebrations, you could take a couple of days off to appreciate your child&rsquo;s teachers by volunteering at his school. Many schools have programs that allow parents to volunteer in helping kids out in subjects they specialise in. For instance, if your were a Physics major at college, you could perhaps teach Physics at your child&rsquo;s school. Or if you are good at a particular sport, you could coach the junior team. The school will love it, your kids will love it, and you too will have a great time!</p> <h3>5. Organise Fun Activities for Your Child&rsquo;s Teachers</h3> <p>As a member of the Parent-Teacher association at your child&rsquo;s school, you along with the other parents, could organise interesting games for Teachers&rsquo; Day throughout this week. It is their time and they would heartily appreciate a breather. Coordinate singing and dancing competitions for teachers. You could also arrange for a lunch party with home cooked food or food from a restaurant.</p> <p>The idea behind setting up Teachers&rsquo; day activities for kids is to let your child acknowledge the efforts his teachers make for him and his classmates. It is your duty as parents to teach your kids gratitude, compassion and being sensitive towards others.</p>

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