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Your 19 Week Old Baby – Development, Milestones & Care

28-Mar-2024 01:01:32 PM

<p>Around week 19, your baby may weigh or your&nbsp;19 weeks old baby weight&nbsp;may be around 14 to 15 pounds approximately and may measure around 24 to 25 inches in height. Your baby is much more active than the weeks gone by, and he may roll front to back and even sideways. He has developed better hand, and eye coordination and thus is able to hold his toes and may even put them in his mouth. He may even hold other objects and toys in the close vicinity and may put them in his mouth.</p> <h2>A 19 Week-Old Baby&rsquo;s Milestones</h2> <p>Here are some common milestones that your baby may achieve by the time he is 19 weeks old:</p> <ul> <li>Your baby may start recognising people and may even smile at known faces or the people he sees on regular bases.</li> <li>Your baby acts fussy and irritable around strangers and may cry too. This indicates that he may become choosy and may want to be around only those people he feels comfortable with.</li> <li>Your baby will enjoy if you sing, tell him a story or simply hum any tune to him. He may not understand it, but he may enjoy all these activities. You may play games like peek-a-boo with your baby too. Your baby loves to engage in activities and games around this age.</li> <li>Your baby&rsquo;s leg muscles are becoming stronger, and you may notice his efforts to stand when you hold his hands. It will be a good idea to massage and engage him in some light exercises at this stage for strengthening his legs.</li> <li>Your baby may have shorter naps around this time, and he may want to spend more time being up and active.</li> </ul> <p>As discussed before these are some common milestones that your baby may achieve by this time, however, do not panic if your baby is not showing the same progress pattern. Every baby is unique and different, and as parents, it is very important to understand and appreciate this fact.</p> <h2>Feeding</h2> <p>Most babies at this age are exclusively on breast milk only, but sometimes you may find your baby fussy and cranky during the feeding sessions. Though in some cases it may be due to lack of milk from the breast in most cases it is due to the developmental changes that your baby may be going through. This is because your baby is more aware of his surroundings and may easily feel distracted and thus become fussy and irritable. You may notice this pattern more prominent during the day feeding sessions in comparison to the night feeding sessions. Your baby may show the urge to feed but may latch on only for a short duration, and they may become frustrated and cranky. Your baby&rsquo;s this erratic behaviour does not mean that your milk supply has gone down and you should start with formula or solid foods. Your baby may be feeling overwhelmed with growth and development process and may take a little while to make his peace with it.</p> <p>The best thing that you can do as a mother is to soothe and calm your kid and make sure there are no distractions around whenever you plan to feed him. Create a comforting environment and try feeding him. Though this stage may be pretty daunting for the mother too the good news is that it is just a temporary phase and shall soon get over. Be patient and offer to feed as and when your baby wishes to feed. Your baby may prefer night feeds than the day feeds thus this pattern may make your breasts feel too full. Try hand or pump for expressing extra milk to release the pressure.</p> <h2>Sleeping</h2> <p>The erratic feeding schedule may affect your baby&rsquo;s sleeping pattern too. The brain developmental phase may start affecting your baby&rsquo;s sleep schedule, and this may prevail for a couple of more months. You may comfort your baby by snuggling with him and sharing the same bed. This may ease your baby&rsquo;s restless attitude and the feeling of unsettledness. As your baby may want more feeds during the night time, sleeping with your baby will give him easy access too.</p> <p>You may even notice your bottle-fed baby getting up more during the night time too. This may not because of hunger but because of the general feeling of unsettledness that babies experience around this age. However, you may not be required to offer a bottle to your baby, but you have to work on techniques to soothe your baby. You may offer your breast or a pacifier to soothe your baby to go back to sleep.</p> <p>However, you should limit the use of the pacifier and only use when is required the most. You may also make yourself, and your baby feels comfortable for the night feeding sessions by placing some extra pillows for support. The above-mentioned tips may help your&nbsp;19-week&nbsp;old baby sleep&nbsp;in a better way.</p> <h2>A 19 Week-Old Baby&rsquo;s Care Tips</h2> <p>Here are some care tips that you may&nbsp;use&nbsp;to care for your 19-week old baby:</p> <ul> <li>You may place some cushions around your baby and help him sit. Place a toy in front of him and let him play with it.</li> <li>You may give a toy in each hand of your baby. He will learn to pass the toy from one hand to another.</li> <li>Give a daily tummy time to your baby. Place a toy close to your baby but not close enough. He will drag himself towards the toy.</li> <li>Rock your baby up and down and sideways too. This helps in giving your baby the knowledge of perception and balance.</li> <li>It is little early for him to stand but you can make him stand by holding him from his arms and gently help him to take baby steps.</li> <li>Give him vibrant and colourful toys and see him shriek with joy when the toys make some sound, wobble or fall down.</li> </ul> <h2>Tests and Vaccinations</h2> <p>Your doctor may suggest a vaccination schedule for your baby. These vaccinations protect your baby from the deadly infections and diseases. Some of the vaccination that your baby may need at around 19 weeks of age may include the following:</p> <ul> <li>Dtap</li> <li>Hepatitis B</li> <li>HiB</li> <li>Pneumococcal</li> <li>Polio</li> <li>Rotavirus</li> </ul> <p>You may get in touch with your doctor to know more about vaccination schedule of your child.</p> <h2>Games and Activities</h2> <p>Your baby enjoys playing games and indulging in various activities with the parents. Playing with your baby is not only an activity, but it helps your baby develop various skills. You may buy your baby a play gym, and he can spend a lot of time playing with the colourful dangling things. You may even tie toys around your baby&rsquo;s crib or the stroller and see him grab these toys and pull them towards himself. You can play various games such as peek-a-boo, rocking your baby, singing to him and various other games to tickle his little mind. You may even notice your baby&rsquo;s changing expressions when you play various games with him; this may be his way of concentrating or thinking.</p> <h2>When to Consult a Doctor</h2> <p>Though your baby may seem a little fussy and cranky because of the developmental issues, these are normal issues, and your baby will overcome these with time. However, if you notice that your baby is not gaining weight, eating properly or sleeping well, then you may consult your doctor for the same. At the same time, if you see your baby lagging behind in achieving the common milestones around this age that is, sitting with support, rolling over, and holding things firmly with his hands, you should seek medical advice for the same.</p> <p>Every baby&rsquo;s growth and development index may vary, but if you notice any developmental issues in your baby, you should seek your doctor&rsquo;s advice on the same.</p>

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