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Baby Proofing Checklist

01-Apr-2024 12:05:55 PM

<ul> <li>Install closing loops to make sure the doors close with a door safety lock. This means that these locks are out of reach and kids cannot access them when they are placed inside a room or crib.</li> <li>Keep all cosmetics, cleaners, fluids, medicines, and other items on a higher platform, out of reach.</li> <li>Unplug and remove all electrical equipment such as hair dryers, electric shavers, hair curlers, etc., after they have been used, and store them in a safe place.</li> <li>Ensure that any sharp tools such as nail clippers, razors, scissors, etc., are stored securely in a cabinet.</li> <li>Set the temperature of hot water to a bare minimum after use. This helps in avoiding accidental scalding, should your baby choose to open the hot water tap.</li> </ul> <h2>Toilet</h2> <p>Toilets are one of the most dangerous and hazardous places. They provide good support for a baby to stand and peek inside, which may result in the baby tumbling into the pot.</p> <ul> <li>Make sure to put down the toilet lid after every use.</li> <li>Use a lock on the toilet lid, if necessary.</li> <li>Place non-skid mats near the toilet to avoid any accidents by skidding or slipping.</li> </ul> <h2>Doors</h2> <p>The concept of a door in itself is rather curious for a baby, as they take to exploring the hinges and the sounds of the door. It&rsquo;s best to not let the curiosity get the better of them, and make use of baby proofing products.</p> <ul> <li>Use door knob locks over existing locks, making it difficult for the baby to figure out how to open the door.</li> <li>Certain baby covers for door handles are available in the market, preventing them from grabbing the handle.</li> <li>Use closing loops on specific doors that need to be shut at most times.</li> <li>If a certain door exists in a part of your house that is frequently used, get pinch guards for that door. Pinch guards ensure that doors close softly so that kids&rsquo; fingers do not get injured when they are closing doors.</li> </ul> <h2>Bedroom</h2> <p>It isn&rsquo;t practically possible to have babies supervised at all times in a bedroom. It&rsquo;s best to take certain precautions out here to ensure baby safety at home.</p> <ul> <li>Use baby proof sockets for all electrical points in the bedroom.</li> <li>Doubly ensure that a crib is secure and stable on your bedroom floor, even when your child jumps in it.</li> <li>The bars of the crib should leave no space for the baby to get their head stuck between them.</li> <li>Refrain from using props or decorative items that may fall on the baby.</li> <li>Keep all electric equipment, lamps, chargers, etc., away from easy reach, and secure.</li> <li>When the baby sleeps on the bed, do not surround them with heavy blankets or pillows as they can be at risk of dying from SIDS. Find materials that are baby-friendly and ensure that they do not roll over to the side or belly down whilst asleep.</li> </ul> <h2>Windows</h2> <p><img alt="" src="http://cdn.firstcrycdn.com/2017/11/389576899-H-300x205.jpg" style="height:577px; width:844px" /></p> <p>When most babies are done with doors, windows become their favourite part of the home. But most unfortunate incidents also occur because of them.</p> <ul> <li>Install childproof latches on your windows.</li> <li>Getting grill gates and strong bars for your windows is highly recommended.</li> <li>It&rsquo;s best to replace blind cords with ones shorter in length.</li> </ul> <h2>Clothing</h2> <p>With baby clothing, we generally look for the most appealing clothes. However, comfort and care should always be the foremost concern.</p> <ul> <li>The clothes should not cut into their skin or be tight.</li> <li>Any straps or fasteners should not have sharp edges or pins.</li> <li>If the dress has any belts or laces, ensure that they aren&rsquo;t close to the neck.</li> <li>Choose clothing material that has less chance of causing any allergy or rashes to your baby&rsquo;s sensitive skin. Light cotton is a good option.</li> <li>Clothes that have been manufactured using breathable fabric help keep the baby comfortable and peaceful.</li> </ul> <h2>Car</h2> <p>Supervising your child while driving your car is not an easy task, nor is it recommended. Safety of both you and your child is paramount.</p>

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Remember, torn clothes should not be left at home. Dispose of them out. Buying new clothes like towels.

wearing clothes, bedsheets are like inviting good luck to the home.

Arrange doormats before every door and please change the doormats once in 6/8 months or maximum within 1 year. For More Daily

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